- From Failure to Success: 조직구조와 협력 방식Upstage internal study group (2023-02-12).
- Making AI beneficial: Spreading AI to the broader communityInvited seminar at Seoul National University for the Interdiciplinary Program in Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) (2022-11-03).
- Information extraction in the wildInvited talk at the Annual Conference on Human and Cognitive Language Technology (HCLT) (2022-10-19).
- Research at Upstage: Focused on information extraction in the wildSeminar at KAIST Jaegul Choo Lab (2022-08-19).
- AI 시대의 커리어 빌딩: 어떤 직업을 선택해야 하는가Invited lecture at Ewha Women's University for "이화여자대학교 SW중심대학 사업단: 기술리더십과 창업리더십" with request from Hyunsoo Kim (2021-11-22).Invited lecture at SNU for "융합주제강의: 미래" with request from Kwangkeun Yi (2021-11-05).
- PretotypingUpstage NLP team meeting (2021-10-21).
- Making AI Beneficial: 세상에 AI 퍼뜨리기ICLR Social ML in Korea (2021-05-18).
- AI 시대의 커리어 빌딩: AI 엔지니어 커리어를 시작하는 법부스트캠프Boostcamp AI Tech (2021-02).
- Retrospection of my four years at NAVER Papago
- Introduction to Papago MTLecture at SNU Law School (2020-05-18).
- 파이썬과 커뮤니티와 한국어 오픈데이터Keynote speech at PyCon Korea (2019-08-17).
- Machine translation, where are you going?Invited session at APTIF9 (2019-07-06).
- Deep learning for MTInvited lecture for Deep learning for NLP @Gachon University (2018-11-08).
- Overview on ACL 2018Naver Techtalks (2018-08-21).
- What’s up at NIPS 2017: In the perspective of a machine translation researcherNaver Public Techtalks @스프링캠프 서울대입구점 (2018-01-25).
- 대한민국 정치의 모든 것: IT와 정치의 만남가천대학교 제4회 학생융합캠프 (2018-01-18).
- My model has higher BLEU, can I ship it?: The Joel Test for machine learning systemsInvited talk at AIMLP Workshop, ACML 2017 (2017-11-15).
- Intermediate Vim: Yet another editor – simple and powerfulAgile-MT study group (2017-08-11).
- Document representations and supervised paragraph vectorsInvited talk at Korea University upon request by Pilsung Kang (2017-02-27).
- 내가 그 때 알았더라면 좋았을 것들
- Document classification with distributed representationsTechtalk at Naver Labs (2015-11-14).
- The beginner’s guide to 웹 크롤링 (스크래핑)Invited lecture for the "Methods of International Relations" course at SNU Department of Political Science upon request by Jong Hee Park (2015-10-13).
- 헬로, 데이터그램Invited talk at Datagram Facebook study group (2015-09-04).
- 한국어와 NLTK, Gensim의 만남PyCon Korea 2015 (2015-08-29).
- 린 정부와 대한민국 정치의 모든 것Invited talk at Linked Open Data Annual Conference (2015-02-05).
- How we open the National Assembly in South Korea with technology (Politics in Korea)Invited talk at g0v Summit (2014-11-09).
Website Github Slides (html) Slides (pdf) Slideshare
- Pokr (pronounced “PO ker”) aims to list all politicians and bills in South Korea. It currently contains over 14,000 candidates and elected officials of the National Assembly Election. I played a major role in designing and implementing Politics in Korea from back-end to front-end.
- 린 정부와 대한민국 정치의 모든 것Invited talk at South Korea National Assembly Library (2014-10-17).
- 자바 미안하다! Korean NLP with Python (KoNLPy)PyCon Korea 2014 (2014-08-30).
- 별별 데이터 세상: 청년 데이터과학자를 꿈꾸다!Interview with Donga Math Magazine (동아수학) (2014-05).
- 비개발자의 개발 이야기Invited lecture at the "컴퓨터의 개론 및 특강" course with request by Yerim Choi (2014-05-27).
- Different roles in diffusing legislative dataInvited talk at OGP Asia Pacific Regional Conference with Cheol Kang (2014-05-07).
- Introduction to Politics in Korea & Team POPONGBrown Bag Lunch at Sunlight Foundation (2014-02-11).
- 대한민국 정치의 모든 것: 쉽고 재밌는 일상 속 정치 만들기Invited talk at Korean Semantic Web Conference (KSWC) (2013-11-30).
- Expressing your dataInvited lecture at SNU Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Web Application Systems Dept. with request by Myungdae Cho (2013-10-30).
- Introduction to data mining for newbiesInvited lecture at SNU Health Demography Lab with request by Youngtae Cho (2012-11-02).
- On semi-supervised learning and beyondLab seminar at SNU Data Mining Lab (2009-11-23).